Waka (Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer)

Autumn dusk--
The plaintive call of a lone robin
In the woods;
I listen to the growing silence
Of this deepening night.
A cardinal flits
From leafless branch to branch--
Autumn's sparseness;
What greater bounty is there
Than November's setting sun?
A November shoreline;
Sheltered from wind and waves,
Gnarled driftwood--
For a moment the madness
Of the world is at bay.

Buffetting snowflakes
And the white tips of plum buds--
This March wind
Chills the mating robins' songs,
Chills the dreams of gardeners.

Against the house,
A lone crocus blossom closed
In the cold wind;
Even this snowflake can't lodge
Amid the golden anthers.
An April morning;
Fluttering in the north wind,
New leaves--
Their shadows flickering
Across the crabapple blossoms.
Hanging over the fence,
Waiting for the dew
To deepen its blueness.

In the May breeze--
A strand of spider web
Dances with a mosquito
Towards the setting sun.
Drifting off;
On the rippling water--
Sparkling sunlight
Begins this sequence of dreams
On a still spring night.

The stamens curling
In the red daylily's throat--
Its velvety end,
Deeper than the dark colors
Of the summer's setting sun.
Their edges
Already turning brown--
These brilliant cannas
Also know the heat
Of summer stillness.